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I am here for moving words, bold ideas 
and a greater picture.
Let me tell your story.

This is me

Content Strategy  Writing 
Creative Direction 

 Styling   Social Media

Storytelling    Illustration  

Campaign Management

I am a passionate content creator who loves the opportunities of media and digital publishing.


Working as an editor-in-chief for ten years provided me not only with a lot of experience within the print and fashion industries. It also sharpened my perspective as a digital visionary who understands the needs of both audiences and brands.


After eight years of developing and shaping the German Blonde magazine into a unique and bold publication for young and empowered women, I took charge of Nylon Germany Magazine, preparing and executing the German go-to-market strategy and launch in 2017.

The opportunity to adapt an international legendary fashion and pop culture publication in a new market was an outstanding experience to grow with.


Apart from my role as editor in chief, holding a strategic position in the content unit of a leading advertising agency helped me sharpen my skills in brand communications and content marketing. Authentic advertorials and multimedia cooperations with brands became a considerable part of my work.


In 2020, I decided to start my own business as a content creator and consultant.

Today, I can serve both publishers and brands, providing creative direction and comprehensive approaches. 


I love to match my work with my diversified skills and passions and look forward to collaborative projects involving me as a writer, director, fashion expert, consultant or illustrator.

Let's change the narrative for the better

Right now, the world is in changing. As humans are we ready to own up to our mistakes and to readjust? Good. Still, a look to both the past and future will give us an idea of just how important language is within this process. 


Words can change a lot, but they can also reinforce negative structures. We need to constantly rethink the terms we use and choose new words every day. 


There is a difference between telling a good story and telling a story well. 

To connect with a curious audience, you have to accept both challenges and form an appropriate and comprehensive narrative for your company. I can support you in defining the purpose of your brand within a target group and develop a communication strategy with impact. It’s among every company’s goals to increase sales, however, being part of a social upheaval should be another.  


To generate attractive stories, I like to use all media and channels available. This ensures maximum entertainment value and creates a sustainable customer relationship.


My fashion and lifestyle background provides me with a certain demographic expertise. I am more than confident in approaching Millennials and keep track of Gen Z: Together, they form a target clientele with high standards and ever-increasing morals. Now let us do them justice within a genuine dialogue. 

Clients &


I enjoyed collaborating with the following brands and more.

Please find some examples of my work here.

Buffalo London Logo weiß.png
Blonde Logo white.png
VOGUE_LOGO schwarz.png
Zalando Logo.png
denham logo.png
bmw motorrad logo neu-final.png
netflix logo.png
sebastian professional weiss.png
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